Our Mission
Used Franking Machines are brought to you by Mailcoms. We are backed by the UK’s Most Loved franking machine supplier. Our goal is to make it easier and simpler for your business to purchase a used and re-manufactured franking machine. All models on offer are available at low costs.
We not only offer low cost used franking machines, but we can also provide you with a low cost, brand new franking machine with the latest franking technologies.
This website is operated by Mailcoms Ltd – Units 7-8 Primary Point, Progress Drive, Cannock, Staffordshire, WS11 0JF, Co Reg no. 584771 and our VAT Number is 921930535.
How It Works
We are pleased to bring a more simplified process to purchasing a used – re-manufactured franking machines.
Upon receipt of your order we will contact you to confirm the order and organise your postage account.
Postage can be paid for by Direct Debit, Credit Card, Bacs or cheque. An agreed re-crediting / top up amount will be paid by your preferred method just before you receive your new franking machine.
Once your postage account is set up you simply request your funds via the franking machine which is then automatically processed via your phone line. Most customers use their fax line as the call only takes around 45 seconds to re-credit / top up the machine. Some models are able to be re-credited / topped up via a PC or a LAN connection. Details are given on the product pages.
Franking Machines
We can provide you a range of brand new or used franking machines at low prices. Machines are available for a range of the latest manufactures and suppliers including Pitney Bowes & Quadient.
Franking Supplies
We can provide you a range of brand new and Royal Mail Approved franking machine inks and labels at low prices. A range of different products are available for a range of the latest franking machines from the biggest manufacturers.
We can provide you with a range of different envelopes that are designed for sending your letters. Gummed, self seal and folding inserting envelopes are on offer.