Mailroom Mailbase Speed Franking Machine
The Mailcoms Mailbase Speed Mailmark franking machine is the ideal solution for any business that sends out larger volumes of mail. It comes packed with many useful features and will fit comfortably into any office. This perfect mid volume solution is provided to you by us.
The Mailbase Speed franking machine not only offers you the lower, discounted, Mailmark franking prices but it also comes fitted with a useful 5, 7, 12 or 35 Kg weighing scale. This will ensure that all of your post is accurately weighed and calculated.
Re-credit the franking machine 24 hours a day either via a LAN or Wi-Fi connection and benefit from the latest franking technologies with the Mailbase Speed meter. The Mailbase Speed even has a handy, built-in automatic label dispenser for ease of processing parcels.